The Every Day Adventure of Natural Foods

Join me as we flutter our way around a beautiful world of delicious natural foods, local foods and traditional, home cooked recipes.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fried Quiche with Dandelion Greens

This is one of my favorite egg dishes. It's so easy and you can use any seasonal produce and whatever green suits your fancy. I posted about this on Facebook a while back and got so many nice comments it made me decide to start a food blog :)

So today for lunch, I wanted some fried quiche, but realized that the baby spinach I usually make it with had gone south and needed to retire to the compost bin. But, while dumping the wilted (and somewhat slimy) greens and lamenting my strong urge for greeny, eggy deliciousness I spotted the perfect substitute for my spinach growing happily all over my yard. Dandelion greens. Before the lovely flower emerges, this tender green isn't bitter at all and can also be eaten raw in salads. It's exceptionally healthy for you and delicious as an alternative to other expensive greens that you might buy at the grocery store. The best part is... it's free. As long as you don't spray your lawn, you can have an endless supply of salad greens and greens to saute all summer long. My girls and I actually enjoy frying up the flowers as well, which are a tad more bitter, but also have a sweetness to them.

So, don't be hating on the dandelions this summer - learn to love them and appreciate them! You can start by making this crazy delicious dish.

Fried Quiche with Dandelion Greens
1 cup mushrooms cut into small chunks
1/2 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2-3 cups rinsed and chopped dandelion greens
5-6 eggs
1/2 cup crumbled cooked bacon
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley (or chives)
salt and pepper to taste
(optional: garlic powder)

Fry the mushrooms, onions and garlic in a hot pan with a little olive oil until onions are translucent and mushrooms start to release moisture. Turn down the heat and cover the mixture with the dandelion greens and let them wilt for a minute or two. (I also sprinkle the greens with some garlic powder, but I'm kind of a garlic freak...) Crack eggs over the greens in a way that distributes yolks around the pan. You can use a spoon to get them into place. Sprinkle the bacon and a little salt and pepper over the eggs then cover the pan for 3-4 minutes until the egg whites are cooked. Toss parsley over the eggs and serve hot.

You can substitute other vegetables and greens. Try this with zucchini, red peppers and spinach or eggplant, tomatoes and arugula. It's all good.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Absolute Best Beet Salad Ever

Have you ever opened the fridge door to figure out what to have for lunch and realize that you have all the ingredients necessary for an absolutely perfect salad? I generally buy lettuce and we eat a lot of veggies, but I don't usually plan for salads - they just happen. For dinner, I'll serve my family a very basic salad that everyone likes. Lettuce, cucumber, carrots, cheese, sunflower seeds and everyone's choice of dressing. But, I really like more interesting salads sometimes. Usually, I'll get my fix by ordering an exciting salad when we go out. Wilted spinach. Grilled chicken. Blue cheese! Mmmmmm.

So, while trying to decide what to make Stella and I for lunch today, it thrilled me to spot a few saved slices of boiled beets I had leftover from a dye making class I did last week. Then I realized I still had a lemon left from another recipe I had planned to make this weekend. Then... I noticed I had a half an avocado sitting there from a day of sushi fun with some other Marysville moms and suddenly realized I could make: The Absolute Best Beet Salad Ever This salad is so perfectly balanced, with the earthy beets and the tangy goat cheese, the mellow avocado and the bright lemon dressing, the juicy greens and the crunchy walnuts - it was a party in our mouths! This picture is Stella's by the way - I dove into mine too quickly and forgot to take a picture...

The Absolute Best Beet Salad Ever
Toss together:
shredded romaine
a smattering of baby spinach
one small beet, boiled and cut into bite size pieces
half an avocado, cut into bite size pieces
a handful of walnuts (or pecans)
as much crumbled goat cheese as you can possibly fit on top of a salad and still look pretty

Honey Lemon Dressing
Mix together juice of half a lemon with 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup olive oil and salt to taste. Sprinkle over your salad to taste.

Not only delicious, this salad is packed with nutrition and healthy fats and is very, very satisfying. Enjoy!!!