The Every Day Adventure of Natural Foods

Join me as we flutter our way around a beautiful world of delicious natural foods, local foods and traditional, home cooked recipes.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bounty From the Farmer's Market

I get up earlier on Saturday mornings than any other day of the week all summer long. Not for cartoons or to get the coffee started early... I am so excited to get to the farmer's market, that I just can't stay in bed! I go to the Union County Farmer's Market in Marysville, Ohio. Which, if you have ever been there, it is a very small market. Nothing like the market in Clintonville or Worthington or even the market I used to run from the parking lot at Wild Oats in Upper Arlington. Most weeks there are less than a handful of farmers there, complimented by another handful of food producers and artisans selling their wares. But, from the moment I arrive, I am completely blissed out by the magic of buying directly from the farmers. I love asking about the varieties of garlic I buy or talking to the cheese maker about her cows. I love to buy someone's last jar of elderberry jam this season and smell the handmade soaps being sold alongside fresh herbs and warm, homemade bread. There is no better place to find the freshest, best tasting vegetables and fruits that haven't had to travel thousands of miles to get to you. And at prices that reflect the savings in gas and transportation! If you are not a farmer's market enthusiast already, isn't it about time to give it a try?

To find a farmer's market near you visit: