The Every Day Adventure of Natural Foods

Join me as we flutter our way around a beautiful world of delicious natural foods, local foods and traditional, home cooked recipes.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Butternut Squash Soup

Probably the ultimate in super-simple and super-nutritious comfort food, butternut squash soup is my all-time favorite thing to do with squash. This isn't just a staple food in the fall, it's practically a sacred tradition of mine. Taking that last, beautiful, locally grown butternut squash and turning it into creamy, velvety heaven is something I savor each and every year.

Creating this soup is so simple your kids can do it. It's so delicious, even squashophobes can (sometimes) tolerate it. The variations and possibilities are endless so it's a wonderful dish for those creative cooks who like something new to play with.

Unless I have a huge, ginormous squash to cook, I usually cook squash whole. This allows more of the delicious flavor in the seeds and pulp to permeate the rest of the tender flesh and it's much easier than trying to cut open a squash when it is still fresh and hard as a rock. I wash the squash and stick it in the oven at about 375 for 40 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the size. Turn down the heat a little if it starts to brown too much on the outside. You can tell when it is done by sticking in a fork. The squash shouldn't show any resistance to your prodding and if the side of the veggie starts to cave in a bit when you stab it, you know it's ready to go.

Cut your soft, gooshy squash in half and scoop out everything seedy or stringy. Spoon the flesh straight into your blender or food processor as hot as you can handle it. Add enough milk or soymilk to blend it into a nice, creamy consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste and if you'd like to step it up a notch... your choice of the following:

1. Cinnamon and nutmeg plus honey and/or molasses - this version will taste sweet and somewhat like a pumpkin pie soup. Top with toasted pecans, cinnamon and if you like it extra sweet drizzle some maple syrup on too.

2. Cumin, turmeric and garlic powder for a curry-flavored soup! Top with sour cream, pepitos and dip some toasted pita bread in.

3. Fresh ginger, fresh garlic, a dash of soy sauce and topped with caramelized onions. A taste sensation! Grate the ginger then squeeze through a strainer into the blender. Put a clove or two of fresh garlic into your garlic press and squeeze it right in.

Add any ingredients you'd like, then blend the soup until it is smooth and pour it immediately into bowls and serve. It should still be warm and ready to be enjoyed.

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